Ilya Vasilenko
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User Manual

What is User Manual? A user manual is a short document that should, at its minimum, describe your communication preferences, provide insights into your leadership and working style, as well as describe you as a person shortly and concisely. It intends to (a) make communication more effective and efficient (b) provide an entity point into your personality to allow the first contact based on shared topics.

Why to write a User Manual?I have identified the following reasons to write my own User Manual and proposed it to several companies as a tool facilitating the communication:

So, here is my User Manual. Please fill free to use it as a template if your are excited about this communication tool.

Preferred Communication Channels


Urgent and/or short: Send a private message in Slack or drop by.

Instant response.


Your request will require time and effort to respond: Send per email

If I don't answer within 24h, please ping violently.


Private messages

No SLA attached.

I will most likely miss mentioning me in one of 1000 Slack / Whatsapp channels.

Don't count with a response.

What I like and enjoy

What I try to avoid


great books ◆ cool podcasts ◆ informative blogs ◆ "believable" people (see the book 'Principles' of Ray Dalio) to follow and learn from ◆ productivity and optimization ◆ meritocracy ◆ stoicism ◆ zen ◆ teaching, presentations and public speaking as a way to learn more and spread the knowledge ◆ wakeboarding ◆ video filming ◆ video cutting ◆ onewheel ◆ cuban salsa

My working style


Regarding meetings:

Regarding emails:

One can save a lot of time by avoiding incomplete or unclear emails. I am a fan of Mindful Emails:

Short biography

I am a Russian-Swiss, I speak German, Russian, English and am learning Spanish now. In Russia, I studied computer science with a focus on natural language processing. After that, I moved to Switzerland and obtained a second bachelor and master's degree in computer science at the ETH Zurich with the focus on distributed systems. During the past several years my focus has strongly shifted towards privacy, security and legal compliance. Given this shift of my working activities, I obtained a Master of Advanced Studies in Business Law. Besides these working topics, I am always happy to chat about wakeboarding, video filming, and video cutting, optimization (of any kind), good books & trips and Cuban salsa (the dancing thing, but salsa as a cooking topic is also a good one). While living in Russia, I did 2-3 kayak trips of 7-10 days each per summer in a wild Russian nature with the family and later with my university friends. In my free time right now, I sing in a choir and teach salsa at ETH Zurich.


In case you are interesting in exploring on the topic of User Manuals, here are some great links:
Ilya Vasilenko